
Topic : OUR FIRST GAME!Posted : 10-15-2003Reported by TheLion
YES! We are still alive! We haven't posted any new news in a long time, but what else is new! ;)

The reason for not posting any news is that we all have been busy with a lot of real-life stuff!

Some of us did find some precious free time to work on a game though and we decided to write a small game just for the fun of it which could also be some sort of engine demo... however after a while it became quite big again, like it always does but we had a lot of fun working on it! :)

The name of the game, that is about to launched this evening, is Horrorween and it's a 2D Top View Arcade Shooter. So if you want to see our Engine in action, visit the Horrorween website at and download the game, if you dare! ;)

I also want to announce that our engine finally has a name and won't keep it from you any longer, our engine will go by the name: "Basilisk" which is the name of a mythical creature!

And last but not least I would like to inform you that we have a new member, his name is Paulo and he's one hell of a guy! ;) His function in our team will be that of a graphics designer, but his music skills are also very impressive so he might work for us as a musical artist now and then too!

Topic : Eastern Update... :)Posted : 04-21-2003Reported by TheLion
Okay, for many people I'm one day too late for easter, but in the Netherlands we still have easter today, it's called 2nd easter day and I'm not sure if there are any other countries celebrating that day too.

Okay back to the information you are all waiting for THE ENGINE! :) As said in my last post on this page, everything is looking good, however these are busy times for us, although I'm quite sure that there will be some heavy coding going on during the holidays and Xorcist promised us some heavy coding during the summer, so I'm very excited to see that! :)

What has been done in these busy time, well quite a bit actually, as you might or might not know the team meets every week and talks about the engine and what needs to be done and stuff, so that still has been going on, even though we are getting more and more satisfied with our engines design. A lot of us have been working hard on the graphics and input part of the engine and that progress is looking very good, we have also started to work on the sound part of the engine and that part is almost complete and looking very good. There is a large variety of soundfiles that can be played and it even has support for Audio CDs.

We also have been talking about a few names for the engine and we have picked one, however since we haven't decided if that's going to be the name we'll use for the engine I'm not going to release it yet, however as soon as we decide to use this name, I'll put it on the website!

Another thing that we have been working on lately "aside" from the engine is our website. As some of you might have noticed is our host rather slow and sometimes you even get server errors and stuff like that. We have been talking to another host and they have more or less promised to host our website, so if all goes well expect our website to move to a new URL very soon! :) Of course we will leave a re-link on this one as long as we can.

Okay, this is about all the information I can give you at the moment, we have been designing a lot and are now finally starting to program what we have been designed. The problem with the programming state is that I can only tell you how the programming is going and not so much of what we are doing, since most of that can be read on the website. If our website is moved I'll try to update the information on the website with some of the latest design specifications... So stay tuned! :)

Topic : No news isn't always bad news! ;)Posted : 03-28-2003Reported by TheLion
Due to busy times there haven't been any news posts lately, however do not fear since the DGDev Team is still here and we are still alive and kicking! :)

Okay, let me get you guys up to date on the project: In the last few months we have been designing and redesigning quite a bit and are now trying to turn the design into code. However since a lot of us where quite busy lately only a few of us have been able to code, which made it go quite slow, but gave us the oportunity to perfect our design and talk a lot about issues that we ran into or improvements that we could add into the code. I think Xorcist has been the most productive member of DGDev, since he has finished the fundamental input code and some of the additional input features are also done. However a lot of the other members have also been doing a great job on coding and from what I have seen or heard it looks very promising! :)

Okay, I'm going to try to update the news section a lot more again in the future and I apologize again for not updating the news frequently. However the DGDev Team proves that no news isn't always bad news! ;)

Topic : Website launched!Posted : 02-13-2003Reported by TheLion
The DGDev Project website is now open to public!

Read all about the project, the team and click on the credits link to get a list of all the team members! Have fun and tell us what you think! :)

The DGDev Project Team

Topic : Project Subscription Closed!Posted : 02-10-2003Reported by TheLion
After a short discussion among the DGDev members we have decided to close the subscription for the DGDev project. The people that have subscribed before this post (Jan 9th, 2003) are still allowed to join the project, however we will not accept any new subscribers for the DGDev project.

There is an exception to this rule however... We are still short on people with certain special skills like graphics designers etc. however the DGDev team will post a new topic on that soon!

The DGDev Project Team

Topic : Engine Design StartedPosted : 02-9-2003Reported by TheLion
The decision was made to write a 2D game engine before we start programming the game. We have decided to use OpenGL for rendering and drawing and SDL for everything OpenGL can't do (input, windowing, etc).

The basic Engine Design is almost finished and we are all looking forward to start coding. Some of us allready have coding tasks and started to work on the rendering, input and sound part of the engine!

Topic : Team DGDev start their 1st project!Posted : 02-9-2003Reported by BlueCat
We're making a game!

After much discussion and voting we've finally decided that we should make a 2D platform style game. When I say we, I mean a group of DGDev members including myself.

The most important things about the project are to have fun to learn (and you won't have to worry about C++ code).